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Bark N' Biscuits PDX // A Passion, and a set of helping paws


It all started about ten years ago now. Determined, ambitious, and passionate about animals, I hoped to one day surround myself with them everyday. Even as a child, I knew I would prefer to work with animals over people; not that there is anything wrong with working with people, but animals have a presence that no other person quite provides.


Over the last few years, I slowly met more animals and got to know their needs, befriending each and every one (well almost every one. There are a couple of pigs that I have yet to win over. But one day! One day I will see them again, and win them over I will!) Learning their quirks, needs, and affinity for ceasing to amazing me, I became more experienced, and more well-known among the dogs, cats, bunnies, ferrets, lizards, etc of the neighborhood.


Finally, here we are. With enough persistence, endless dog cuddles, and more hikes and random drives with furry friends than I can count, we have the founding of Barks N' Biscuits PDX! Serving the Greater Southwest Portland Area, we strive to make every companion, and their owner, as happy as possible, through walking, massages, and general care services. So welcome and thank you for your support in making this possible! 


-Molly Orchid, Owner

Our purpose is to provide you and your pet(s) with excellent, dedicated, and professional service. We care for your animals as if they were our own; providing love, food, water, medication (if needed), walks, engaged exercise, cleaning up after your pet, retrieving of mail, watering of plants and rotating lights, etc; every day of the year! We rely on using positive reinforcement guided through behavioral understanding with all animals to nurture a happy and helpful environment for all. We try to do anything we can do to make you and your companion(s)'s days pawsitive ones!

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